United States

Robin DG Kelley — The UN’s failure to dismantle the colonial order foreclosed the application of the Genocide Convention to Israel, South Africa, and the United States.
Adib Shaheen explains how the struggle for a just future and the support of peoples resisting aggression and repression are the same struggle.
Hadas Thier — Global outrage over Israel’s attacks on Gaza has produced a broad-based mass movement never before witnessed on the question of Palestine.
Michael Roberts looks at the state of the US and world economy, the reasons for what he calls the Long Depression, and how it is driving political polarization and imperial rivalries.
Saskia Jaschek — It is impossible to understand the war in Sudan without accounting for the regional and international interests involved.
Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.
Zara Jemuel — Capitalism’s white supremacist roots run as deep as its colonial origins.
Gilbert Achcar — The Palestinian condition has deteriorated to worse than anything it has known in more than 75 years of suffering and oppression
Antoine Larrache and Lauriane Misandro speak to Rafael Bernabe about the current political situation in Puerto Rico.
Sam Wainwright discusses the state of US global hegemony, Australia’s role within it as a mid-sized imperialist power and prospects for working-class solidarity across borders.
Gilbert Achcar — It is truly astonishing that Washington abstained in voting on the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, despite the resolution being consistent with the US’ position.
Federico Fuentes — Ecosocialism 2024, to be held on Australia’s west coast, will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences with activists from around the Indo-Pacific region and discuss how we can collectively campaign against war and climate catastrophe.